Manifest(o) Your Dream Clients



Do you want more dream clients?


Sure you do. Who wouldn’t, right?


There’s a simple solution to helping you that.




A manifesto is a public declaration of what makes you tick.


It’s a powerful statement that shows your community who you really are. It showcases your values, your intentions, and your big WHY.


But really, your business manifesto also serves as your business plan, because it keeps you focused on the things that matter – to you.


If you get side-tracked a lot, if you lose focus easily, if you feel as if your business (+ life) need more direction… a manifesto can help keep you on track + committed.


Frankly, writing my manifesto was the most fun I’ve ever had writing a business + life plan.

how to write a business manifesto


Here it is…


In my world… TRAVEL is an absolute necessity!


In other words…


I’m a living, breathing location independent communication strategist + business coach – a nomad a heart, happiest when I can combine my love of travel with my love of running a business and making a difference… and I show the women in my tribe how to kick off their high heels, strap on their boots, and rock their life into laptop liberation.


I’ve never subscribed to conformity, the status quo and gossip + I believe this is why I have the strength to live (+ share) my legacy.


When I’m not typing heart pounding, irresistible copy for a client, or inspiring women to follow their freedom call, I can be found snuggled up with a good book + the occasional glass of wine. Life’s good during all those magic moments.


I deeply care for the success of my dream clients. And I treasure many of them as wonderful friends that are now part of my ever-growing family.


Lazy days at the beach, breathtaking sunsets on a mountaintop, cruising to all corners of the world and week-long meditation retreats are as much part of my life than rocking it out at a Neil Diamond concert, or singing along to music that makes me happy.


Moments that take my breath away…


Listening to my happy music during take off in a commercial airliner (psst)…


Cruising into a spectacular sunset, and sipping cocktails on the open deck…


Sitting in quiet reflection, surrounded by Tibetan om chants + Buddha statues…


Kissing (my) cockatiel babies + hearing them sing…


Looking deep into the eyes of my man…


Hiking across mountain tops + into deep lush jungle valleys…


Riding a rickety bus in South America, with the music blaring + the sun painting the passing scenery in golden hues…


Sharing unforgettable moments with friends, in all corners of the globe…


Experiencing deep profound gratitude for the kindness of total strangers…


Listening to a client burst into tears after reading my copy draft…


Receiving messages of love from coaching clients + realising just how much their time with me has impacted their lives.


Have you written your manifesto?


Please share it below in the comments.


P.S. Have you taken my UNBLAH ME class yet? It’s free. It’s fun and it kicks your boooring about page in the nuts.


Here’s to making marketing deliciously dreamy, fun + profitable.
